Book Chapter

Recent Trends in Humanities, Literature, Sociology and Psychology

This book is written with so much thorough knowledge and facts. With this book readers may obtain information effortlessly. This book is created in a simple manner so that the readers will comprehend every detail. It would be useful for the students who wish to gain information in the subject of education and are performing research in the education sector. This book is for all sort of individuals, no matter the area which the readers are studying if they have curiosity to get information about the educational sector they may read it. In this book writers have added the information after performing a lot of research and they also putted a considerable amount of effort for writing this book. In this edited book the writers have addressed 12 various themes in which the material is provided in the thorough way. Every chapter and subject of this book is useful for the readers to obtain the information. The writers have discussed a number of topics in this book.

Edited By

  • Dr. Pooja Midha
    Worked as an Assistant Professor, Ambala City
  • Dr. Usha Vaidya
    Professor, Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Languages, Rabindranath Tagore University
    Raisen (AISECT University)
  • Mrs. Dhanbanti Chanchal
    Assistant Professor at Dept. of Sociology, Govt. PG. College, Fatehabad, Agra, Uttar Pradesh.



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