Book Chapter

A Handbook on Commerce & Management Applications, Concepts and Technologies (Volume 2)

Commerce and Management books have always been popular as we seek out better ways to build and run our businesses or get ahead in our jobs. They tend to be practical, how-to guides focusing on specific topics or biographical of business leaders. To acquire the knowledge of nature and scope of business, small business, to understand private, public and global enterprises including Internal trade, to know about international business and to understand about business environment, this handbook is helpful. This book consists of various research papers from the field of Commerce and Management. Managing a business, department or team is a complex task and requires a broad range of skills. Commerce and Management is a framework for managing the effect of new business processes, changes in organizational structure or cultural changes within an enterprise. This handbook on Commerce and Management comprises of 14 research papers and each discussing different aspects. Readers of this handbook may find some extra information in the various topics, which is related to the current reference and changes in the commercial business environment. The object of this information is to give current changes and updated reference to the readers.

Edited By

  • Dr. Shiva Johri
    Dean (Academics) in Oriental College of Management
  • Dr. Aruna Dev Roy
    Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Gadadh Latha
    Assistant professor, Dept of management, Lbs gfgc college Bangalore



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